Congrats on an Incredible Season

Whew, what a season - capped off by the first ever Festival of Champions right here in Manchester, New Hampshire. 

Thanks to everyone who made this year a success. The students were tremendous and our program grew for the 12th year in a row. I’ve been with FIRST for 10 years and I’m still amazed by the passion, drive, and intellect demonstrated by our teams. Our planet faces big problems, but with this generation I have great confidence we will meet those challenges.

Our volunteers share this hope, it’s why they dedicate millions of person-hours each year to make this possible. Although they may not have had FIRST when they were young, they see the critical need, and the amazing benefits. FIRST Tech Challenge alone held over 800 events last season and every single one depended on these outstanding volunteers. I know of no other organization in the world that attracts such passionate, and intelligent folks.

Finally, a huge thank you to the FIRST Tech Challenge staff. Believe it or not there are just twelve full time FIRST Tech Challenge employees. They are all wonderful and unique, and committed to the mission of FIRST. They are almost always behind the scenes and they are the engine that makes all the magic possible.

The image I’ll take with me from this season is the one below, taken immediately after the final match was held and includes our teams from Houston and St. Louis. In the foreground are some of our key volunteers and several of our staff. I’m lucky to be part of this wonderful organization and program.

Our “off season” is incredibly short this year. What has traditionally been four months of preparation for the new season has been compressed to about six weeks. Have no fear, the FIRST Tech Challenge staff, key volunteers, and our technology partners have been hard at work. We’re excited for September 9th and the 2017/2018 unveiling of FIRST Relic Recovery, presented by Qualcomm. 

See you out there!

Ken Johnson
Director FIRST Tech Challenge


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