
Showing posts with the label FIRST Tech Challenge Events

A Letter from FIRST Tech Challenge Director, Ken Johnson

Dear FIRST Tech Challenge Community,  Super-Regional events were implemented in  FIRST  Tech Challenge starting with competitions held in 2014. Those hosts have done wonderful jobs creating an entirely new competition level within the program. This has allowed us to expand our capacity, provide teams more chances to compete, and continue to have a merit based path to World Championships . The success of Super-Regionals has cemented this competition level into the progression of  FIRST  Tech Challenge events. Our original four Super-Regional hosts agreed to three-years of hosting. This allowed them longer planning windows and leveraged the strong, cross-regional, organizing committees formed for this purpose. As we wind down the first three year cycle we've been working on the next three year cycle. The process to select the next series of Super-Regional hosts was lengthy, and covered most of 2015. We had hosting bids from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Iowa,...