Dean's List Highlight: Colleen Johnson
2016 Dean’s List Winner, Colleen Johnson explains how the skills she has learned participating in FIRST programs has changed her perception of herself, what she can accomplish, and her goals for the future. FIRST has changed my life. You hear that sentence over and over again, tens, or even hundreds of times, at different FIRST events, but let’s take a moment to really step back and think about what those words mean. FIRST has taught me so many different valuable lessons, and helped me identify such a wide variety of passions, that I honestly don't know where I would be without it. Now, before we go any further, there’s something you should know. I love to create videos. Training videos, advertisements, audition tapes, dumb little videos with my friends, whatever. And I’ll talk about how FIRST helped me discover that a bit later, but for right now I want you to imagine this. A young girl sits in the middle of the Smart Move FIRST LEGO League course ...