Kickoff is coming - are you prepared for the season ahead?

There are many ways teams need to get prepared for the upcoming season. Of course, teams first need to register and order their robot kit. At FIRST® Tech Challenge, we are anxiously waiting to share with you the official game challenge for FIRST® RELIC RECOVERYSM. Make sure you’re part of the big announcement by attending Kickoff event in your area or tuning into the game and season page Saturday, September 9 at 12:00 P.M. EDT.

After the game challenge is announced, it’s time to prepare your team!
  •      Complete team registration and required screenings
  •      Order robot kit and parts

Now the adventure really begins! Teams now get to strategize ways to complete each task in the game challenge, and work together to design, program and build. One of the best ways to help your team prepare, is with an official FIRST® RELIC RECOVERYSMfield.

As resources vary for each team, we have provided several options for teams to access field and game elements for practice and prepare. We want you all to have your best season yet!

Official Game Element Resources

Teams can order the Official Game Element Set directly from AndyMark, our official game element vendor. Game Elements are the specific elements used in the 2017-2018 game. These do not include soft tiles, gaffers tape, or the field perimeter.


Full Field: $480.00
Half Field: $270.00
Quarter Field: $150.00

Teams should expect to compete on the official field at any official Tournament.

Do It Yourself (DIY) Build Resources

For those teams and mentors that are handy, we offer Do-it-yourself (DIY) resources for you to build your own game element sets. The FIRST RELIC RECOVERYSM DIY Build Guide can be found on our game page after kickoff. The DIY guide walks through building the field structure. This guide does not include build resources for specific game elements (for example, Particles from the VELOCITY VORTEXSM Challenge). Those individual game pieces can be purchased directly through AndyMark.

We also offer a Low-Cost Field Perimeter Guide for teams to use for practice, which can also be found on our game page.

Soft Tiles, Gaffers Tape, and Field Perimeters, OH MY!

AndyMark sells soft tiles, gaffers tape, and the field perimeter separately which can conveniently be ordered all at once with your game element set. Orders can be placed directly with AndyMark:
Soft tiles and Gaffers tape can also be purchased from other vendors. 

Soft Tiles

Soft Tiles can be purchased directly from FIRST Tech Challenge teams receive a 10% discount on their soft tile order by using code “robot10X” when placing the order. A full field consists of 36 dark gray soft tiles, but individual soft tiles are available for purchase in any quantity.

Gray tiles can be ordered through the following link:

Carrying bags for the soft tiles can be ordered through the following link:

Gaffers Tape
Gaffers tape is a necessity in any FIRST Tech Challenge game. The 2017-2018 season game will use 2” red gaffers tape, 2” electric blue gaffers tape, and 1” white gaffers tape. Find Tape offers a 5% discount for all FIRST orders by using code “FIRST5” when placing the order

So there, you have it, time to get ready! We hope you are as excited as we are to kick off FIRST® RELIC RECOVERYSM season! Don’t forget to tune-in on September 9 at 12:00 P.M. EDT!
We want to hear how you are getting ready for the game challenge! Send your creative ideas to


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