Kickoff is coming - are you prepared for the season ahead?

There are many ways teams need to get prepared for the upcoming season. Of course, teams first need to register and order their robot kit. At FIRST® Tech Challenge, we are anxiously waiting to share with you the official game challenge for FIRST® RELIC RECOVERY SM . Make sure you’re part of the big announcement by attending Kickoff event in your area or tuning into the game and season page Saturday, September 9 at 12:00 P.M. EDT. After the game challenge is announced, it’s time to prepare your team! Complete team registration and required screenings Order robot kit and parts Now the adventure really begins! Teams now get to strategize ways to complete each task in the game challenge, and work together to design, program and build. One of the best ways to help your team prepare, is with an official FIRST® RELIC RECOVERY SM field. As resources vary for each team, we have provided several options for teams to access field and game elements for prac...