Engineering Notebook Overview

FIRST® Tech Challenge is half way through our season and for many of you, that means that your League and even Regional Championships are just around the corner! For most of our events (Qualifying Tournament, League Championship, Regional Championship, Super-Regional Championship, and of course, our World Championship) the Judging Interview comes into play. The Engineering Notebook plays a key role in the judging process, and is a key requirement for all Judged Awards.

Throughout the season, we have been hearing about some great lessons learned that we hope to share with all of you. Tips and Tricks that will hopefully either give you an edge at your next event, or just set you up for a stronger interview.

Lessons Learned

  • TWO Engineering Notebooks means only TWO Engineering Notebooks. - It is great that your team has recorded every part of your season, however, as per Game Manual Part I rules, each team is only allowed to turn in two engineering notebooks. Tucking a third notebook inside another does not make that a single notebook. Your team will be asked to choose which two you would like the Judges to look at. Remember, Judges only have a limited amount of time to review your notebooks. Think "quality over quantity".
  • Remember to write your team number ON the notebook! - This might sound silly, but in all the excitement of going to an event, some teams have forgotten one of the key requirements for your Engineering Notebooks: Writing your Team Number on the outside of the notebook. Judges are not even allowed to consider your team for Judged Awards without having your Engineering Notebook meet all the requirements (and yes, that means the team number labeled on the outside).
  • KNOW the Engineering Notebook Requirements. - As stated above, knowing the Engineering Notebook Requirements is key. If your Engineering Notebook does not meet all requirements (as outlined in Game Manual Part I), your team will not be considered for any of the Judged Awards. Keep your team in the running and meet those requirements!
  • Pay ATTENTION to your Summary Sheet. - The first thing Judges see is your Summary Sheet. With a limited amount of time to spend on each Engineering Notebook, teams need to prioritize what they want the Judges to review. The summary sheet guides them on which Pages (make sure they are tabbed!) you want them reviewed. "Quality over quantity" should be your mantra by now. Ensure you are presenting your team in the best light.
  • TURN IN your Engineering Notebook. - After working so hard this season, make sure to not be in the running for Judged Awards and TURN IN YOUR ENGINEERING NOTEBOOK! Regardless of how you feel about the quality of your notebook, the only way you can be awarded a Judge Award is by following all the Award Requirements…and one important one is the Engineering Notebook.

To help teams, FIRST Tech Challenge has created a few online resources. Make sure to download the Engineering Notebook Assessment and self-check your team's Engineering Notebook before your next event.

Engineering Notebook Resources
All Resources live on the Team Management Resources Page.

  • Engineering Notebook Guidelines
  • Engineering Notebook Assessment
  • Engineering Notebook Samples


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