Update: Super Regional Championships and World Championships Advancement

Growth in FIRST and FIRST Tech Challenge is wonderful, it means we’re achieving our mission of changing the culture, it brings more students into the wonderful world of what’s possible with science and technology, and it attracts more tremendous volunteers and sponsors.

Another thing we like about growth is it continually forces the evolution of the business model. There’s nothing like increased demand to keep everyone on their toes!

Our FIRST Tech Challenge Super-Regionals were instituted over three years ago to address the growing number of Regional Championships, and the relatively smaller number of teams advancing to the next level. It solved that problem with great success as we head into year four of the Super-Regional format.

This year, the dual Championship model is being instituted with the similar goal of offering more teams the chance to experience the highest levels of FIRST competition. The number of FIRST Tech Challenge teams competing at this highest level will double this year to 256!

So how do we meld 21 countries, four Super-Regionals, and over 5,000 teams into a sane competitive structure? Well, it’s mainly math, with a smattering of experience and a healthy dose of input from the field.

This year FIRST Tech Challenge will expand the percentage of teams advancing from countries outside North America, expand the percentage of teams advancing from Super-Regionals, and institute a wait list similar to FIRST Robotics Competition.

Our Super-Regional events will advance 34 teams each to a dual Championship. The East and North Super-Regional Championships will advance a total of 68 teams that will compete at the St. Louis World Championship. The South and West Super-Regional Championships will advance a total of 68 teams to compete at the Houston World Championship.

Each of the Super-Regions will also have a wait list, commensurate with the number of teams in their region, from which teams will be chosen to advance to the allotted Championship. Wait list teams will be chosen in a manner similar to FIRST Robotics Competition based on longevity with the program and time since attending a World Championship.

International teams will be allocated spots to one of the dual Championships based on total number of teams in that particular country. Every country has the opportunity to send at least one team to a Championship, but now countries with growing FIRST Tech Challenge teams can send more.

More teams than ever before now have the chance to compete at the highest level. It’s another great step forward in changing our culture and solving those really big problems that advance our society. We’re glad you’re with us and hope to see you at Championships!


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