FIRST Tech Challenge Season Goal = Growth!

The “offseason” has traditionally been the time that FIRST and our community use to gear up for the next season. As we’ve grown the offseason seems to almost be a thing of the past. Offseason events, workshops, and fundraisers have taken the place of much of that downtime.

I think that’s due to two things. First, I hope people are doing it because they like it. If not, I can’t imagine we’d have the 150,000 volunteers that participate in FIRST each year. Our community of teams and volunteers is one of the most amazing things about FIRST – and you’re all cut from the same cloth. No wonder you like hanging around together. Second, people are doing it because it matters. The mission of FIRST is imprinted in our hearts and minds.

Inspiring the next generation of technology leaders does not apply to just certain groups. If we only inspired certain communities, races, or regions we’d do a dis-service to those omitted. Not only that, we’d do a larger dis-service to ourselves and the world in not having more people solving the really big problems.

Unfortunately those big problems seem to be increasing. The good news is that the pipeline of talented FIRST alumni is also increasing – and that’s the reason we strive for growth each and every year. It’s the only way we’ll keep up with the demand for these wonderful folks.

We also realize growth brings greater opportunities to change and improve. Nothing like a bunch of new teams and volunteers to keep us all fresh! That new blood brings ideas, enthusiasm, and more opportunities to change the world. It also brings challenges. Finding new event volunteers, sponsors, venues, and hours in the day.

What are we doing to grow this year?

  • We are again offering grants to both rookie and veteran teams. There are grants directly through FIRST, and many grants available based on your geography. The best place to find out about grants is here:
  • The league/meet format continues to expand, pushing FIRST Tech Challenge deeper into communities and giving them the ownership of league formation and event hosting.
  • We are expanding spots for teams at the World Championships, doubling the total number of FIRST Tech Challenge teams that earn their way to this pinnacle event.
  • FIRST will offer classroom and curricular materials this fall around FIRST Tech Challenge. This will allow schools to seamlessly integrate the FIRST Tech Challenge technology and equipment into the classroom.

What do we need from you?

  •  Keep doing the incredibly important work in your state and communities. FIRST is one of the most powerful ways to change our world. It is much more than robots and time after time we see the long term impact of FIRST participation. It’s not easy to convey in sound bites, slogans, or advertisements. It’s much deeper than that. Our volunteers who are in the field convey the FIRST experience though outreach where personal stories are told, hands-on examples are shown, and valuable personal connections are made. Keep this up, this is how you change the world via FIRST.
  • Expand your community involved with FIRST. Every region starts with powerful individuals who believe in the FIRST mission. As regions grow the work outpaces the number of hours in the day for these key individuals. If this description sounds like you – get more key volunteers involved and spread the workload. The program is designed to be adopted by communities who want a better future for their students. Put them to work!
  • Make outreach part of the expectations of current teams. They’re reaping the rewards of FIRST engagement now, and well into the future. Encourage them to pay it forward by getting more students and volunteers involved. Recognize it at events, encourage it throughout your FIRST community.

Over the last 8 years FIRST Tech Challenge has grown at an average annual rate of over 20%. This year we’re targeting 15% growth, but stretching for even more. It’s the only way we can really change the culture and continue on the momentum you’ve all started.

Thanks for all the work you do to move the FIRST mission ahead. The more we grow, the more our mission is realized, and the better our world becomes.

Ken Johnson
Director, FIRST Tech Challenge


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