Welcome to FIRST Tech Challenge!

Welcome Rookie Coaches and Mentors! 

Congratulations on taking the first step on your FIRST® journey by signing up for FIRST® Tech Challenge! If you have stumbled upon this Resource Article and have yet to sign up for a team, check out our Start a Team Checklist & Resources that will take you through the process of starting a FIRST Tech Challenge Team. If you find you need help navigating the Team Registration - where you actually sign up for a team - look at our tutorials listed on the Information Management Systems User Support Article. If you still find that you need assistance in starting out, feel free to contact us here at FIRST by shooting an email to ftcteams@firstinspires.org. We also have a handy "Chat" function on this website that allows you to ask questions to our amazing Operations Team. 

Once on board, you will find that this Rookie Resource Article is your one-stop shop for everything you potentially will need to be successful for your first season with FIRST Tech Challenge. Our goal is to not only provide these resources in one convenient location, but also lay them out in order of when you would most likely need them as well as giving a bit of an explanation of why/how you would use them in our "Want to Learn More?" PDFs.

Your Local Affiliate Partner is also one of your greatest resources as well. These are your event organizers, your local FIRSTcontacts and greatest advocates for your needs throughout the season and beyond. Check in with your Affiliate Partner and when applicable, check out their websites to find out what is happening in your area. Although we post all events on our FIRST Event Search Portal, registration for events are handled locally. 
look at the main topics of each Team Blast, you will still be as current in the season as we are able to make it. We have found that Teams who ignore Teams Blasts are at times at a disadvantage when important news is being sent out to the field. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to check our Team Blasts.

Each FIRST Tech Challenge Team is unique. From the composition of the type of students who have joined, to the challenges they face when moving throughout the season. These resources are the main topics that you will find necessary. However, we do recognize that this may not cover every circumstance. For that, we strongly encourage Teams to start exploring the FIRST Tech Challenge Forums. Most notably our:

  • ·    Game Q&A Forum - post questions and read clarifications on game rules. Our Game Design committee monitors this forum and your answers will come directly from them.
  • ·    Technology Forum - extremely helpful when building your robot. Post your tech-oriented questions here.

Your Local Affiliate Partner is also one of your greatest resources as well. These are your event organizers, your local FIRSTcontacts and greatest advocates for your needs throughout the season and beyond. Check in with your Affiliate Partner and when applicable, check out their websites to find out what is happening in your area. Although we post all events on our FIRST Event Search Portal, registration for events are handled locally.  

For the most up to date news on FIRST Tech Challenge, make sure to connect with us through our Social Media pages. We are not only posting on what is happening in the community, but also any important announcements. However, our number one way of communicating any important updates or changes will be conveyed through our Team Blasts. We send out these weekly communique to your Main and Alternate Coach/Mentor. If you are not either of these two roles, but want to stay current with FIRST news, sign up in Team Registration on the www.firstinspires.org site. Even if you just take a 
look at the main topics of each Team Blast, you will still be as current in the season as we are able to make it. We have found that Teams who ignore Teams Blasts are at times at a disadvantage when important news is being sent out to the field. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to check our Team Blasts. 

Start exploring this Resource Article and do not hesitate to reach out to us here at FIRST. Good luck this season and welcome to the FIRST Family!


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