Make It Loud: Outreach Contest!

Hey FIRST Tech Challenge Teams!

We’ve been so impressed with all of the amazing outreach that our teams have done this summer. We’ve seen you guys at state fairs, libraries, community centers, middle schools, high schools, elementary schools, at STEM fairs, Science Days, Innovation Fairs, camps, and even online! We know that recruiting new members to your FTC team or convincing a group of people to join our FTC community as a new team can sometimes be challenging and we wanted to share some resources with you. We’ve compiled them all in one place in this handy dandy blog post. If you have an awesome resource, please feel free to add it in the comments.

Now for the fun part. We want to encourage all of our FTC teams to continue your outreach efforts into the fall. Plus we know that the start of school is a great time to recruit new rookies. We want to see your outreach and recruitment efforts in action! Upload a video to Vine, tag us (FIRSTTech Challenge), and add the hashtag #FTCOuteach. You can definitely include videos from this summer's outreach efforts. Bonus points for the most ridiculous, creative, and awesome outreach efforts. Once you upload a video, you’re automatically entered to win an FTC Competition Set! Vine deadline is October 10th. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

TL;DR: #FTCOutreach Contest, upload a vine for a chance to win a FTC Competition Kit. See outreach resources below!

FTC Outreach Resources
  • Starting a Team is easy! Check out our How to Start a Team one pager (top right) and How to Get an FTC Team in Your School (bottom right) document (in the zip folder under Step 1 on the Starting a Team webpage).
  • The What is FTC? video does an awesome job explaining FTC in a nutshell. Your stories and FTC experiences are what really gets new teams to join.


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