FTC T-Shirt Design Contest

FIRST Tech Challenge Teams design some awesome t-shirts. You might remember last year's winning design by Team 5086 the Chatham Hall Turtles:

Back by popular demand, we are holding the 2nd Annual FTC T-shirt design contest.
The winning team will get bragging rights for having the coolest t-shirt of 2015 and also receive a prize from the FTC swagbag.

Are you in?  Here's how to play:

1.  Send a picture of your Team's T-shirt to ftcteams(at)usfirst.org with your Team number, name and the words "T-shirt contest" in the subject line.  T-shirt designs must reflect our values of GP and those with vulgarity, innuendo, or obscenity will not be accepted.  (note: please coordinate with your team to make sure you only submit once)

2.  Submission Deadline: January 15, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.

3.  We'll upload the photos to an album on Facebook and the t-shirt with the most "points" by January 20, 2015 wins. Only 5 days for voting!

How does my Team's shirt score points, you ask?  Here's how that will work:

Likes - 1 point each
Comments - 2 points each (only one comment per person will receive points)
Shares - 3 points each

Does your Team's T-shirt have what it takes?  Good luck!


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