New Jersey Volunteer Helps Kids on their FIRST Tech Challenge Journey

Jim Carr started his FIRSTvolunteering career with FIRST LEGO League (FLL) as a coach in 2006. It wasn't long before he got bit by the FIRST bug and started volunteering in all FIRST programs. His initial experience with FIRST Tech Challenge(FTC) was at the Delaware’s combined State Championship. After having just competed in the FLL competition, his son and team stayed to watch the FTC tournament. “We were interested and I talked to some of the coaches and it seemed like fun.” So he and his team made the move to FTC.

With his FLL coaching experience behind him, he soon made the transition to volunteering with FTC. “…the FTC season was a lot longer and had many more events.  I was not sure about whether I was qualified.  I decided to try it.” And for that, we are ever grateful. He dived into volunteering with FTC, and as New Jersey FTC Partner Vince Frascella points out, “Rather than list his many roles, let us just say that Jim has stepped in to support NJ FTC whenever asked. He is one of the first volunteers to arrive and the last to leave.” He shows dedication and obvious love for the FTC community. He enjoys “getting to know the kids and their stories." Says Jim, "I also want to make sure that the kids have fun and enjoy the tournament.”

NJ Volunteer Jim Carr works on the Field Control System during an Event.
When asked why he spends all this time volunteering for FTC, Jim explains, “I work with these kids over the course of a season. I get to see where they are in early October, and where they end up in April. It is not the trophies they may win, but the journey that is the reward. By volunteering, I get to walk alongside them for part of that journey.”


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