Calling All Beta Testers!

Intelitek invites FIRST® Tech Challenge participants to be part of the beta launch of Coderz, an engaging online learning environment for robotics Coderz is an innovative, web-based platform for robotics education that serves as an ideal tool for anyone interested in a highly engaging and motivating robotics programming environment. Coderz is appropriate for beginners, as well as advanced programmers as it can be used with an intuitive GUI for Blockly and Java coding. FIRST® is working together with Intelitek to provide programming software for the Android, Qualcomm SnapDragon, called Coderz. Coderz is not yet an approved competition option and works only in autonomous control. We see FIRST ® teams as a major part of our evolving Coderz community, which is why we would like to give 250 FIRST ® members from across the U.S. the opportunity to be the first to experience the Coderz platform, helping to make this program the best it can be for our FIRST ® teams. Whether you are a...