5 FIRST Networking Tips

Hi! This is Michelle Long, Alumni and Scholarship ProgramsManager at FIRST HQ. Can you believe that the 2014/15 FIRST Tech ChallengeSeason is almost over already? I hope that your season was as fun as mine was and that you used the opportunity to meet as many people as you could at the event(s) that you attended.

One of the most important things that you can gain from your time on a FIRST Team is the incredible exposure to Teams and Participants from all over – even if it’s the next town over! Whether you knew it or not, a lot of your interactions were networking! Networking is one of those business ‘buzzwords’ that people throw around a lot, and sounds really intimidating, but can be really natural and simple. To that effect, we’ve compiled the list below of networking tips that you can put into practice during FIRST events (links to original sources if you want to get an A+ and dig even deeper!):

  1.  Seek out people you wouldn’t have met under other circumstances: Is your Pit area next to a Team from another country? Even adults often think that certain people on the corporate ladder are untouchable — that they can't approach a C-suite executive or a potential contact in a new industry. They assume the new contact won't give them the time of day. While some won't, others will. You won't know until you approach them.
  2. Use your Adult Mentors as resources: They've got experience and are willing to share their expertise with you—and maybe even their contacts, too. Students tend to overlook their parents' friends when it comes to networking, but those parents are often well connected or know people who are… Jodi Glickman, communications expert and author of Great on the Job, says "You want to build up this stable of resources before you need them, so that when you actually are looking for a job, you can go in and tap in.
  3. Create a LinkedIn Profile: Too many students make the mistake of thinking they can avoid LinkedIn until after college, but the smart move is to use it now to track the network you're building. LinkedIn recently launched new options for students that make it easier than ever to get the hang of this network! FIRST has launched an Alumni Networking group on LinkedIn to help older Team Members and Alumni connect with one another – join us in the FIRST Alumni Network!
  4. Consider a “business” card:  This will make it easy for you to exchange contact information when you meet someone who can possibly assist with obtaining an internship or job. It’s also more professional than saying, “Facebook me” for contact information. Put your personalized LinkedIn URL on the card for a quick connection to your ‘professional’ details
  5. Take advantage of in-person opportunities: Are you attending the FIRST Championships and World Festival and FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship? Think of the thousands of people there that have similar interests and aspirations – you wouldn’t get this opportunity anywhere else! Not only other Team Members and Mentors, but Exhibitors within the Innovation Faire and College Admissions Professionals within Scholarship Row! Make sure to stop by the Innovation Faire and Alumni Alley to learn about the scholarship, internship, and career opportunities available to you as FIRST Participants and Alum and practice your networking skills. 
Hope to see you at Worlds or events next season!


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