The FTC Minibot Challenge

FTC Minibot Playlist - vote for your favorite today! 

With all of the interest the community has shown in the recent T-shirt design contest, I'm excited to announce the next challenge - the FTC Mini-Bot Contest!  Are you ready?

To play, you must design a mini-bot, measuring 12"x12"x12" or less, using only parts allowed in the 2013-14 FTC Game Manual Part 1.  The only exception to this rule is that the NXT does not have to be physically attached to your mini-bot (if it is, it must fit into the 12"x12"x12" space).

What does the mini-bot do?  It can do anything you want it to, but the cooler, the better.  That's because you're going to upload it to YouTube and share the link with us.  We'll watch it and if it meets the time criteria (see below), we'll add it to a YouTube playlist.  At the end of the contest period, the mini-bot with the most likes (1 pt) and comments (2 pts) will be declared the winner.

Oh, and in the spirit of building one FIRST family, we're extending this competition to our friends over in FIRST LEGO League.  

Now get building!

Here are the specifics:

  • Create a mini-bot (12"x12"x12" or smaller; NXT does not need to be attached, but must fit inside the 12"x12"x12" dimension if it is) that can crawl, drive, walk, shoot, whatever you can imagine.  Follow the guidelines in the FTC Game Manual Part 1 for information on allowed parts (exception: FLL Teams with the EV3 are permitted to use that processor).
  • Produce a 60-second (or less) video of your robot in action.  Please include your Program (FLL/FTC), Team number and/or name (we'll use the main contact we have on file for your team to contact you if you win).  Use a ruler at the beginning of the video to demonstrate your robot's dimensions
  • Upload your video to YouTube
  • Share the video link with us:  We'll add it to a YouTube Playlist and share that link with the community
  • Get everyone you know to go to the playlist and vote for their favorite video by giving it a thumbs up or a comment.  Please be gracious professionals and don't give videos a thumbs down (we won't count these against anyone anyway).  Comments aimed at artificially inflating comment count (i.e. the same user posting repeatedly or spelling out words one letter per comment at a time) will not be counted (judges reserve the right to determine if this is the case).
  • This contest is open to both FTC and FLL Teams!
  • Submission Deadline: March 24, 2014

    Voting Deadline: May 5, 2014


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